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Family of four plays with blocks on the floor
Gender equity
Podcast recap

We interviewed Eve Rodsky, author of Fair Play, to discuss how couples can create an equal domestic workload at home.

How working parents can reach equality in the household
Parent and child work together at a desk
Working parenthood
Podcast recap

There are many paths to parenthood, and all are life-changing. One path often overlooked in the workplace is becoming a stepparent.

Becoming a stepparent: How to carve out space for both caregiving and career
Couple holds a baby and smiles
Podcast recap
HR & policy

Knowing what our elected officials prioritize is critical in supporting policies for working families. Congresswoman Katherine Clark fights for families.

Advocating for government support for working families
Two colleagues chat
Gender equity
Podcast recap

While paid parental leave is important, we need both policy and cultural changes to fully support working women.

It takes more than just policy to support women in the workforce
Person texting walks outside an office building
Working parenthood
Podcast recap

Amanda Goetz is a single mom of three and successful marketing leader, formerly at The Knot. We chatted about her working parent journey.

How one working mom built a career on her own terms
Person works on a laptop
Working parenthood
Podcast recap

Blessing Adesiyan, CEO and founder of MH WorkLife, believes that if parents have better support and affordable childcare, they can achieve anything.

From corporate America to launching a caregiver platform
Parent holds a baby while on the phone at a computer
Working parenthood
Gender equity

Women aren’t always set up to succeed in the workplace - especially once they have children. But looking back on previous generations, we can really take stock of our progress.

How working motherhood has changed from generation to generation
Frustrated person sits at a conference table
Gender equity
Podcast recap

The motherhood penalty is problematic in many ways, but public figures don't often address it. The tides are finally turning, thanks to advocates like Paula Faris.

Yes, the motherhood penalty is real
Person bottle feeds a baby
Gender equity
Podcast recap

According to The Wall Street Journal, the number of men who took parental leave tripled in the past five years.

Why fathers should take paid parental leave
Person sits in a dark room on their phone
Podcast recap
Working parenthood

Parents have so much information, and separating noise from facts isn't easy. Much of the “conventional wisdom” isn’t always backed by data.

Getting answers to common parenting questions down to a science
People talking
HR & policy

How Reshma Saujani is using technology to increase access to family benefits

Revolutionizing access to paid leave: The birth of
Person stands at a conference table addressing colleagues
Gender equity
Podcast recap

Women make up 42% of the workforce, but only 32% of senior leadership positions and 10% of Fortune 500 CEOs spots.

What if the "new normal" was more mothers in leadership positions?
Person works on a laptop in a laboratory
Gender equity
Podcast recap

Lack of paid parental leave is pushing new parents into part-time roles or flexible career paths, which comes at a massive cost.

Advocating for paid parental leave in the aerospace industry
Person holding a baby while working on a computer
Leave planning
Podcast recap

Parents who have gone through our coaching program share how helpful it is to create a communication plan.

Should I work while I'm on parental leave?
Pregnant person talks on the phone
Leave planning
Working parenthood

Employees are often nervous to tell their employer they’re expecting - especially when they're looking for a new role.

3 tips for starting a new role when pregnant or expecting
PwC Canada and Parentaly Logos
HR & policy

We're excited to announce how we work with PwC Canada to provide a seamless parental leave experience.

Parentaly & PwC Canada: Working together to support parental leave
Pregnant person chats to colleagues
Leave planning
Working parenthood

Building a parental leave coverage plan is one of our favorite topics. We hosted a public workshop to share tips on how to do it successfully.

Coverage planning 101: How to prepare for parental leave
Pregnant person chatting to a peer
Manager tips
Leave planning

There are right and wrong ways to manage through parental leave. We answered top questions from managers and HR leaders.

Top questions about managing through parental leave - answered!